Hi Semua……
Akhirnya bikin juga Cheesecuit yang banyak di request orang, sedikit terlambat karena awalnya saya pikir semua orang sudah bikin dan bahannya juga itu itu aja
Kebetulan ada teman ulang tahun, bingung mau bikin apa karena mendadak, cusss aja bikin ini sat set sat set ya
Krim keju
60gr gula pasir
125gr cream cheese
3 kuning telur
200gr susu cair
25gr maizena
30gr mentega
- Panaskan susu, jangan sampai mendidih
- Mixer cream cheese dan gula hingga creamy
- Masukkan telur dan maizena
- Sambil terus di aduk, tuang susu panas secara perlahan
- Masak hingga mengental, masukkan mentega, aduk rata
- Tutup atasnya dgn plastik, simpan di chiller minimal 3 jam
300gr whipcream cair
20gr gula halus
1 sdt vanilla extract
- kocok semua bahan hingga kaku
- Kocok sebentar krim keju dingin, masukkan dalam whipcream cair dan kocok kembali hingga tercampur rata, masukkan plastik segitiga
Untuk versi ekonomis
Cream cheese bisa di ganti keju spread
3 telur bisa di ganti 1 telur utuh
Susu bisa di ganti air putih
Mentega ganti margarin
Bahan celupan
1-2 sdt Kopi instant
2 sdm gula pasir
Air panas + susu cair
1 sachet kopi instant
Air panas + air dingin
Untuk rasa lainnya bisa menggunakan sirop aneka rasa sesuai topping
Coklat parut
Coklat bubuk
#ayomasakayomakan #cheesecuit
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Hi Everyone......
Finally made Cheesecuits which many people requested, a little late because at first I thought everyone had already made them and those were the same ingredients.
Coincidentally, a friend has a birthday party, I'm confused about what to make because it's sudden, just make this one set, one set.
Cream cheese
60g granulated sugar
125g cream cheese
3 egg yolks
200g liquid milk
25g cornstarch
30g butter
- Heat the milk, don't let it boil
- Mixer cream cheese and sugar until creamy
- Add eggs and cornstarch
- While continuing to stir, slowly pour in the hot milk
- Cook until thickened, add butter, stir well
- Cover with plastic, keep in the chiller for at least 3 hours
300g liquid whip cream
20g refined sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
- beat all ingredients until stiff
- Beat the cold cream cheese briefly, add it to the liquid whip cream and beat again until evenly mixed, add the plastic triangle
For the economical version
Cream cheese can be replaced with cheese spread
3 eggs can be replaced with 1 whole egg
Milk can be replaced with water
Butter replace margarine
Dyeing material
1-2 tsp instant coffee
2 tbsp granulated sugar
Hot water + liquid milk
1 sachet of instant coffee
Hot water + cold water
For other flavors, you can use various flavored syrups according to the toppings
Grated chocolate
Cocoa powder
#let's cook, let's eat #cheesecuit
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