A sweet and intimate video taken by Prince Rama Varma as he was helping his Legendary Guru, the musician and composer Dr.Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna prepare his own brilliant Pada Varnam in Raga Kharaharapriya on Lord Ganesha, before a recording. When Varma ji asked for Dr.Balamuralikrishna's permission to video record the session, he agreed with a lot of delight and asked Varma ji to sing along, which he did, holding the video camera. Though Balamuralikrishna ji is looking at the lyrics with intense concentration most of the time, during the few times that he raises his eyes and looks at Varma ji and they exchange a few comments, it is so obvious what a sweet and beautiful bond the Guru and Sishya shared. Varma ji always tells me that in his mind, This is the Balamuralikrishna who remains predominantly, more than the celebrity or the scintillating performer :- The composer and the Guru. I remain eternally grateful to Varma ji not only for sharing these unique and precious videos, but also for having the foresight to capture these beautiful moments on video at the time, with absolutely no commercial interest.
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