Delhi Police conducted the passing out parade of 48th batch of probationary sub-inspectors at Delhi Police academy in Jharoda Kalan. On this occasion, in the presence of Delhi police commissioner Sanjay Arora, union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Nityanand Rai took the salute and inspected the parade as chief guest. A total of 367 sub-inspectors including 109 lady sub-inspectors who were under training took oath of duty and loyalty during this program. On this occasion, the union minister congratulated all the probationary sub-inspectors. During the event, digital degrees were distributed to them by using block chain techniques developed by IIT Kanpur. Along with this, all probationary sub-inspectors were certified with postgraduate diploma degrees in police administration and investigation by the national defence university during this program.
Speaking on the occasion, CP Delhi said that basic training like unarmed combat, face-to-face combat, and hostage releasing has been provided to all probationary sub-inspectors to tackle terrorism in national capital. Many senior officers of the Delhi police were present during the occasion.
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