ELC EVEN 90 - World of Tanks
WoT replays - best World of Tanks games
The ELC EVEN 90 is a French tier 8 premium light tank.
The ELC EVEN 90 is not part of the French light tank line.
#WorldofTanks #WoT #wotreplays
A series of vehicles developed by BRUNON-VALETTE under the ELC program in the late 1950s. The goal was to create a light aeromobile tank for fire support purposes. The vehicle had small dimensions and high maneuverability. A total of 10 pilot vehicles with different types of armament were produced. They underwent trials, but the vehicle never entered mass production.
Battle Stats:
Misterio4911 [KLAUC]
Map Studzianki
Damage: 3826
Frags: 9
Blocked damage: 2
Medals: 12
Master, Spotter, Bruiser, Duelist, Fire for Effect, Pascucci, Radley Walters, Patrol Duty, Scout, High Caliber, Defender, Warrior,
Mods used for the replay recordings: aslains modpack from wgmods(dot)net
World of Tanks
ELC EVEN 90: MASTERPIECE - World of Tanks
WOTWorld of TanksWorldofTankswargaminggamesbest World of Tanks replaysSpielreplaywot wn8wotreplayswotstatsworld of tanks blitzwot replaysTANKStanks2021Panzerмир танковświat czołgówmonde des charsELC EVEN 90Frenchtier 8light tankFrench light tank linepremiumMap StudziankiMasterSpotterBruiserDuelistFire for EffectPascucciRadley WaltersPatrol DutyScoutHigh CaliberDefenderWarrior