شرح قصة وحوش و زعماء بلودبورن Ebrietas daughter of the cosmos & Celestial emmisary
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شرح قصة بلودبورن | Ebrietas & Celestial emissary
شرح قصة بلودبورنشرح وحوش بلودبورنشرح زعماء بلودبورنقصة زعماء بلودبورنebrietas daughter of the cosmosebrietas daughter of the cosmos lorecelestial emissarycelestial emissary loreتختيم بلودبورنdaughter of the cosmos weaknessdaughter of the cosmos bloodborne locationبلودبورن ليدي مارياlady maria of the astral clocktowerlady maria of the astral clocktower cutscenelady maria of the astral clocktower loreliving failuresقصة bloodbornebloodborne شرح