Is the image you see when you picture the Nativity all wrong? When you picture the Nativity, do you see a stable under a star where Mary, Joseph, three Magi, and some shepherds are all gathered around a manger that holds baby Jesus because there was no room in the inn? This Nativity scene is so common we often don't stop to question it, but have you ever wondered where these images come from and just how much of this image actually reflects the accounts of Matthew and Luke? In this video, we'll walk you through five of the most common misconceptions surrounding the Nativity and explain some of how we came to have the Nativity scene we have become so used to.
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Nativity Explained Series:
The Inn: [ Ссылка ]
The Manger: [ Ссылка ]
The Visitors (Magi and Shepherds): [ Ссылка ]
Three Kings?: [ Ссылка ]
Hosted and Produced by Jordan Jones
Written and Edited by Noah Jedlicka
Additional Contributors: Mary Kathryn Lichty
5 Christmas Misconceptions Explained
Bible & ArchaeologyarchaeologyBob CargillJordan Jonesbiblical archaeologyDead Sea ScrollsOld TestamentHebrew BibleTorahJerusalemNew TestamentGospelsJesusQuestionsBible QuestionsAnswersarcheologyBibleJosephusEditingScribesScribal PracticesRedactionBart EhrmanSeptuagintUncoveredRevealedIsraelYahwehYHWHChristmasXMasMythFactMagiWisemenShepherdGrinchBustedDebunkingBirth of JesusBethlehemNazarethMatthewLukeMangerNativityinnDavid