Tensions escalate on the wasted plains as The Blessed Host, Havoc Brother Disciples of the Plague God face off once again with the Knights of Sai-Donia, a Dark Brothers Detachment of Battle Brothers! This time, the Knights are bringing their heaviest weapons to bear against the Praetorians of Pus. But will it be enough to turn the turgid tide? Only the dice will tell!
Malbolgia's Pustulent Praetorian:
1500 pts, Havoc Brothers
Disciples of the Plague God
Daemon Champion: 265pts
Disciples of Plague, Wings
Dark Psychic: 105pts
Disciples of Plague
Plague Brothers(5): 175pts
Plague Cleaver
Plague Zombies(20): 280pts
Plague Hauler: 225pts
Plague Hauler: 225pts
Plague Hauler: 225pts
Thunder of Sai-Donia:
1500 pts, Battle Brothers
Dark Brother Detachment
Captain: 265pts
Advanced Tactics, Grim, Dark Assault,
Destroyer Armor, Energy Hammer, Combat Shield
Destroyer Knights(5): 605pts
Heavy Maces
Brother Bikers(3): 150pts
Twin Assault Rifles
Attack Walker: 480pts
Twin Autocannon, Twin Laser Canon
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