Welcome to the second part of my Autumn 2023 Adventure where I Leave the Iconic Lac Du Salagou and head to a wild barrage deep in the middle of France where I experience a much more laid back adventure experiencing some beautiful scenery, Wildlife and some stunning carp to finish my Autumn campain...
Wild Barrages Autumn 2023
french carp fishingpublic lake carp fishinggrand lacfrench river carpmassive carpebig carppeche la carpekordacc mooreriver lotgreys carp rodsfrench carp lakesfrench carp waterspeche la carpe en lacwild carpcarp fishing in francecarp fishingfrench public lake carp fishingkorda goocarpe du nuitblakes baitsdecatheloncarp fishing lac du salagoupeche la carpe en lac du salagoulac du salagouFishing in France