OK peoples, following my peeve with this LiveBox being disabled by some coincidence of my declining an offer to upgrade to a cheaper broadband package which didn't have the 'second-line-service' in it, I say we open this up carefully and have a look around at.... What's Inside?
Obviously speaking, being an electronic bit of hocus-pocus, there's going to be a printed circuit board in there with lots of connection ports on it.
Apart from the bit of humour I have put into this with things like "I'll save those bits for time-travel circuits" there's not really too much to look at in one of these LiveBox router devices.
But......Let's get to the point here: It is quite sizeable, isn't it?!
The router I am using at the moment (Funnily enough, an Orange "BrightBox") is a 'lie-flat' kind-of arrangement, it has FOUR ethernet ports on it and I think it can even support ten wireless devices at once!
Yes, things have moved on a lot since the LiveBox, but one thing which STILL is no longer available....The Second Line Service.
Soon, I say we get this LiveBox out in the garden and liven it up a bit..... Just a bit mind you. We wouldn't want to pop it now, would we? :D
Thank you for watching,
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Tags used in this video:
What's inside?, Open it up carefully, Modem,
Router, Internet Router, Orange (Internet ISP),
Live Box, LiveBox, Orange LiveBox, Inventel,
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