I've been wanting to share my musical process for a long time and I'm finally working up the nerve to do it. Working with samples is a fairly new workflow for me as I've previously mostly worked with live instruments, hardware drum machines, and midi. I do love the sound of sample-based music though especially the 1990's era. My vinyl collection has been growing and I'm at a good time in my life to dive down this rabbit hole. I've had the Teenage Engineering OP-1 for a while but I'm finally dusting it off and getting to know it. This is the first video in a series in which I'll be working with samples in the song creation process. It could be vinyl, cassette, from Youtube, from movies or anything really. These are more of a creative exercise for me and I don't plan to release any of these beats. BUT if any of them do really warrant releasing I will do so and drop a link in the comments. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you around!
#teenageengineeringop1 #sampling #vinylsampling #op1 #teenageengineering #beatmaking
Teenage Engineering OP-1 | Sampling Vinyl | Beatmaking #1
teenage engineeringmusic productionbeat makingbeatmakinghiphopvinylsamplingmusic producerOp-1op-1 teenage engineeringop-1 tutorialmusicbass guitarbehind the sceneslofi hip hoplofi jazztrip hopvintage vinyl recordschopping samplessample chopping techniquesop-z teenage engineeringteenage engineering op-1teenage engineering op1op 1synthesizersamplerhow to samplehow to sample in fl studio 20how to sample op-1dawlesste op-1