Subterranean termites come from the Isoptera insect order which has lived on earth for millions of years. There are three forms of subterranean termites, workers, soldiers and swarmers. Each of these forms castes have specific characteristics. Subterranean Termites construct Mud tubes that are also known as shelter tubes or tunnels. Subterranean Termites require constant earth contact and build these" Mud Tubes" to shelter themselves from predators as well as create a highway to food sources in which they feed. The Subterranean termite dubs the name subterranean because it lives underground , Subterranean colonies can consist of numbers in the millions, for this reason, Subterranean Termites are the most destructive termite species. Termites are a non sleeping constant energy source. They will consistently feed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all 365 days of the year non stop with jaws that easily cause destruction of wood at a rapid rate. If left untreated, Subterranean Termites will cause mass damage to a home to the point it may become structural and ultimately result in expensive repairs. If you suspect a termite infestation or seeing insects around it is best to contact a pest control specialist like Imperial Pest Prevention (386) 956-9506 so we can perform a WDO inspection and discuss subterranean termite treatment options.
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