UWE Bristol team (Me, Ray Priest and Tom Linley) were interviewed about how to get scholarship to study in UWE Bristol. My colleague, Tom also explained us about how to improve your English as the requirement to study in the UK. We are here to help Indonesian students to study abroad. Watch this TV talkshow to get more info. I was not only an interviewee here, I also helped to translate the messages from my colleagues to Bahasa Indonesia. I hope it helps! Thank you for watching. Chat aku aja kalau mau tanya2 lebih lanjut :)
Lulusan UK emang lebih gampang ya dapat kerja? Harus jago bahasa inggris dulu ga sih buat kuliah di UK? Kalau belum jago gimana dong? Kuliah di UK mahal ga sih? Ada beasiswa gak? Gimana sih biar dapat beasiswa?
Nah semua pertanyaan itu dijawab dalam talkshow ini. Dijawab langsung sama tim aku dari UK. Aku bantu translate aja di segmen ini.
Nonton ampe habis ya guys!!! 🤗🤗🤗
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