Magnus Carlsen is in total shock as Daniel Naroditsky sacrifices the rook against him in one of their latest Blitz games! Of course Daniel Naroditsky's play in this game vs Magnus Carlsen was so good that Vladimir Kramnik lost his mind and accused Daniel of cheating, but Daniel Naroditsky continues to prove Vladimir Kramnik wrong!
In the game Daniel Naroditsky opens 1.e4 (best by test) and Magnus Carlsen responds 1...c5 - the Sicilian Defense. From there Daniel goes for a very interesting line of the delayed Alapin Variation, while Magnus Carlsen breaks in the center with an early ...d5 and fights for the center.
Of course things got really interesting when Daniel jumped his knight into the e5 square, won the bishop pair, and started his attack against Magnus Carlsen's king on the kingside! Of course Magnus Carlsen did his best to defend - he even fought back on the kingside with his alpha-zero h-pawn, but before long Daniel was the first to strike with an incredible rook sacrifice!
#chess #chessgame #magnuscarlsen #danielnaroditsky #vladimirkramnik
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