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Dianne Crampton, Founder of the TIGERS 6 Principles, shares insights on how to transform drama at work. If you experience reoccurring drama and conflict at work, this short live event micro-training discusses the root cause of drama and what to do about it. Under 15 minutes long, this training gets to the point without lots of fluff. This live event training is important information for both large and small business, agencies and nonprofits looking to stop the nasty conflict that causes your workplace to be a revolving door.
When it comes to human performance and an effective but civil communication in the workplace, Tony Lacertosa, an internationally certified master facilitator of the TIGERS© 6 Principles framework and former teacher, advised the following in a TIGERS 6 Principles blog post, Reduce Workplace Conflict to Improve Productivity:
"Experienced educators often advise first year teachers not to crack a smile until after Christmas vacation. Obviously, the intent is to give students the impression that these teachers are tough, strong disciplinarians as opposed to being nice which could be interpreted as being a pushover.
The extent to which this advice works varies widely depending on individual personalities and circumstances. However, smiles or not, the teachers who consistently get great results are those who establish a classroom atmosphere of mutual respect and collaboration rather than one of intimidation which leads to conflicts and behavior problems. When students feel valued they learn better, are more engaged, more productive and acts of incivility targeted at classmates or their teachers are dramatically reduced.
The same holds true for adult employees.
A workplace that is dominated by leaders who use intimidation and abusive behavior results in employees who treat each other, and customers, the same way. These employees also spend work time planning their retaliation against the organization and their supervisors rather than remaining on task.
These workplace conflicts are real productivity killers. However, when leaders make a conscious decision to establish a culture of civility, and follow up that decision with a specific plan of action, the results are dramatic improvements in the organization’s bottom line.
The first step in establishing a culture of civility in the workplace is to make a commitment to establish one. Very simply, the action plan boils down to taking 3 steps which any organization should be able to do if it is serious about reducing conflict and drama to improve its productivity:
1. Establish and enforce clear policies regarding civil behavior in the organization.
2. Train employees so they can be successful at, and fulfilled by, their jobs.
3. Train leaders to set good examples of civil behavior for everyone to follow.
Implementing the action plan:
Establish and enforce clear policies regarding civil behavior in the organization:
Civility in the workplace begins with enforcing policies that show its commitment to civil behavior. Besides formally establishing the company culture regarding how it expects its employees to behave toward each other, clear written company policies are needed to defend it should anyone file a law suit around an incivility issue.
There are a number of specific things that need to be in these policies. A partial list includes:
* The company’s stance on discrimination and harassment along with any other expectations regarding the behavior of employees.
* Clear statements that the company has a zero tolerance policy, a complaint procedure and a statement that employees need to promptly file a complaint if an incident occurs.
* A clear description of how things such as how promotions, discipline and performance reviews are handled.
* It is important to have a lawyer ensure that all formal policies comply with federal, state and local laws.
Train employees so they can be successful at, and fulfilled by, their jobs.
Employees need clear repeated communication on what is expected of them and how to do their jobs effectively. One of the major complaints we hear from employees is that their leaders do not receive enough training.
Another area in which employees need to be trained is in what behaviors are acceptable, which are not, and the consequences of inappropriate behaviors. It is better yet when employees co-create ground rules and group behavior norms and have their leaders tend those boundaries along with employee recommended consequences.
Train leaders to set good examples of civil behavior for everyone to follow.
Leaders must understand that the examples they set filter down through the organization.
Taking the steps to establish a civil culture is good business practice. Civility is about mutual respect. When mutual respect is prevalent in the workplace, high employee engagement, retention and collaboration are the result."
How To Stop Drama at Work
workforce collaborationteam collaborationleadership collaborationemployee collaborationHowToDramaTo Stop Drama at Work TIGERS 6 PrinciplesTIGERS 6 Principles How To Stoptigers 6 principlestigers 6 principles how to stop dramadramaworkDrama at Work TIGERS 6 PrinciplesTIGERS 6 Principles How To Stop Drama at Work TIGERS 6 PrinciplesHow To Stop Drama at Work TIGERS 6 PrinciplesHow To Stop DramaStop Drama at Work