Pink Floyd
Alameda Coliseum
Oakland, Ca.
Analog Audience Source: FOB Master Cassettes (MAC)
Medium Stock Brands: MAC = 2 x TDK SA90
Analog Lineage: 2 x sony ECM 280 - Sony SD158 - MAC
Analog Sound Preservation: MAC - Nakamichi CR-7a - Korg MR-1000 -
DSF [1-bit 5.6448 MHz Stereo] - Korg MR-1000 - Korg AudioGate -WAV [24/96]
Taped By: Reinhart Holhwein
Transfer By: Bob Menke
Original Mastering By: Derek McCabe
Set 1:
d1t01 - Sheep 00:00
d1t02 - Pigs on the Wing, Pt. 1 11:14
d1t03 - Dogs 13:28
d1t04 - Pigs on the Wing, Pt. 2 32:04
d1t05 - Pigs (Three Different Ones) 34:28
Set 2:
d2t01 - Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Pts. 1-5 52:08
d2t02 - Welcome to the Machine 1:05:48
d2t03 - Have a Cigar 1:14:02
d2t04 - Wish You Were Here 1:19:46
d2t05 - Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Pts. 6-9 1:26:54
d3t01 - Money 1:48:37
d3t02 - Us and Them 1:59:29
d3t03 - Careful With That Axe, Eugene 2:07:57
01. Repair many audible clicks, pops and other recording imperfections.
02. Repair audible micro-dropouts.
03. Attenuate some feedback.
04. No change to stage buzz during Us and Them.
05. Smooth irregularity of frequency response/EQ.
06. Adjust speed.
07. Verify pitch.
08. Correct channel imbalance.
09. Remove track gaps.
10. Attenuate loud claps and other audience noises during segments with music.
11. Adjust stereo field.
12. Adjust dynamics.
13. Re-track.
Thanks to Mr. Holhwein, Mr. Menke and Mr. McCabe for bringing this outstanding recording to the Pink Floyd Trader community. The soundboard mix is well balanced and the taper could not have been in a better location to get a high fidelity capture. All serious collectors of Pink Floyd live shows should consider this original recording for their collection.
The primary purpose of this remaster project is to correct the hundreds of little flaws that are present in any audio recording that uses tape. These include audible clicks, pops and micro-dropouts. Using modern remaster software, these flaws, and many others, were repaired as much as possible. Other changes to the recording were also made as detailed. For those that enjoy the style of PRRP and RMCH remasters, this offering will hopefully be an enjoyable listening experience.
This is an RMCH Remaster that is not part of the PRRP series or the RMCH Series.
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