Marie Curie has reimagined a series of classic artworks depicting the end of life by artists including Edvard Munch and Ary Scheffer, to feature the charity’s own Nurses and Healthcare Assistants.
The nursing team members are depicted in the paintings, alongside the charity's famous daffodil, providing care and support to the dying and those close to them. The images serve as a poignant reminder of the importance of end of life care, as currently one in four people don't get the end of life care they need.
British artist Lisa Buchanan, also known as Dangerosa, was commissioned to create The Daffodil Collection, which features:
•The Dead Mother and the Child by Edvard Munch (1897), featuring Healthcare Assistant Wendy Phillips, (Hospice care at home, Swansea Bay, Wales) caring for the patient in bed and Registered Nurse Zeb Un-Nisa Ali (Marie Curie Hospice, Bradford, England) comforting the child.
•By the Death Bed by Edvard Munch (1896), with Senior Nurse Janet Wishart-Turner (Hospice care at home, Grampian, Scotland) providing emotional support to family and friends.
•The Death of Gericault by Ary Scheffer (1824), with Registered Nurse Rebecca Jennings (Marie Curie Hospice, Belfast, Northern Ireland) making the patient more comfortable in his final hours.
•The Dying Dandy by Nils Dardel (1918), with Senior Nurse Isaac Otengo (Urgent Hospice care at home, Bromley, England) administering an oxygen mask on the patient.
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