The Rashtriya Janata Dal and the BJP are engaged in a heated war of words over the upcoming Bihar polls. RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav mocked the NDA government in the state over the lack of jobs and said that Nitish Kumar has surrended. Tejashwi Yadav also promised to create jobs for the youth and said industries would also be set up if the Mahagathbandhan comes to power in the state. Hitting back, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said that the RJD was formed to protect a leader from corruption. ‘RJD party was born to save a politician from corruption. The CM at that time was of Janata Dal and when his name came to light in a big scam & party pressured the CM to resign then RJD was formed,’ Prasad alleged. Prasad added that the party which had such a history is now talking about reforming the future of Bihar. Bihar goes to polls in three phases beginning 28th of October and the result will be declared on 10th of November, 2020. Watch the full video for all the details.
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