#东山口 #培正中学 #恤孤院路
广州市培正中学(Guangzhou Pui Ching Middle School),简称“培正”,广东省国家级示范性普通高中,广东省普通高中教学水平优秀学校,创办于1889
1889年 ,校名初名为“培正书院“,以月租四元半赁广州德政街一平房开学;是年有学生四十四人,专任教员二人,兼任教员五人,由冯景谦出任总理。
1890年, 因地方狭小而改迁大塘街。同时,从内地及海外得捐款七百馀两,除全年开支外,尚有盈馀,又续向中外教友募捐,以图购地建校。
1891年 ,迁校雅荷塘。
1892年, 捐款略增,积馀稍丰,即以四百两购得珠光七约幢缆铺一间为校舍。
1893年 ,贷款改建珠光里校舍,易名“培正书塾”,后得西印度教会刘福牧师之捐款,偿还债务。
1905年 ,清廷废科举,改书塾为学堂。此时经济来源陷于绝境,遂告停办。
1906年, 教友再度募得,得款三千馀元,赁榨粉街房屋两间为校舍,定名为“羊城培正师范传习所”,廖卓庵任所长,以培训师资,是时学生有五十人。
1907年 ,用款二万二千多元,购地东山兴建新校。
1908年, 培正改隶两广浸信总会,新校舍竣工,是为“白课堂”。
1909年, 加建“第一宿舍”,耗资太大,再陷困境。
1912年, 民国成立,该校改名“培正学校”。
1915年, 学生人数增加,“第一宿舍”继续向右扩建,负债累累,后由张立才、杨海峰、张新基等组成‘培正维持会’向教友募捐,暂解燃眉之急。
1916年, 增办中学部。
1918年, 学生人数倍增,临时盖搭葵棚为课室,且为纪念创校三十周年展开募捐。“王广昌寄宿舍”及“陈广庆纪念饭堂”先后建成。同时友校“培坤女校”亦相继成立。
1922年, “培坤女校”改称“培正女校”。接管培道蒙校,改为“培正国民学校”。
1928年 ,该校获准立案,并改校名为“私立广州培正中学”。
1929年, 创校四十周年,校方决议建造“美洲华侨纪念堂”,在校庆时开幕。校友会改为‘培正同学会’。
1930年, 改建“第一宿舍”为“澳洲华侨纪念宿舍”。“南楼”、“北楼”教员宿舍落成,“西关培正分校”同年创立。
1933年 ,创办香港分校于九龙何文田。
1937年 ,卢沟桥事变爆发,黄启明校长率员生迁到鹤山城,翌年开办澳门分校,租赁芦家花园为校址。
Guangzhou Pui Ching Middle School (Guangzhou Pui Ching Middle School), referred to as "Puizheng", is a national-level demonstration general high school in Guangdong Province and an excellent school in Guangdong Province's general high school teaching level. It was founded in 1889.
In 1889, on the 15th day of the 15th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty before the lunar calendar, Feng Junjingqian, Ouyang Junkang, Yu Jundekuan, Liao Jundeshan and Li Junjiliang organized the class.
In 1889, the name of the school was initially called "Peizheng Academy", and the school opened with a monthly rent of four and a half yuan to rent a bungalow on Dezheng Street, Guangzhou; that year, there were forty-four students, two full-time teachers, and five part-time teachers. Feng Jingqian served as the teacher. Prime Minister.
In 1890, Datang Street was relocated due to the small area. At the same time, more than 700 taels have been donated from the mainland and overseas. In addition to the annual expenses, there is still a surplus, and it continues to raise donations from Chinese and foreign church members to purchase land to build the school.
In 1891, the school moved to Ya Lotus Pond.
In 1892, the donation increased slightly, and the accumulation was slightly abundant, that is, a cable shop of the seven buildings of Zhuguang was purchased for 400 taels as the school building.
In 1893, the school was rebuilt in Zhuguangli with a loan, and the name was changed to "Peizhengshu School". Later, it was donated by Pastor Liu Fu of the West Indian Church to repay the debt.
In 1905, the Qing court abolished the imperial examination and changed the school to a school. At this time, the source of income was in a desperate situation, and it was suspended.
In 1906, the parishioners again raised more than 3,000 yuan and rented two houses on Zhafen Street as school buildings. It was named "Yangcheng Peizheng Teacher Training Institute". Liao Zhuo'an was the director to train teachers. fifty people.
In 1907, with more than 22,000 yuan, the land was purchased in Dongshan to build a new school.
In 1908, Peizheng changed its affiliation to the Guangdong-Guangzhou Baptist Church, and the new school building was completed, which was called the "white classroom".
In 1909, the "first dormitory" was added, which cost too much and got into trouble again.
In 1912, the Republic of China was established, and the school was renamed "Peizheng School".
In 1915, when the number of students increased, the "First Dormitory" continued to expand to the right, and it was heavily indebted. Later, Zhang Licai, Yang Haifeng, Zhang Xinji and others formed the "Peizheng Maintenance Association" to collect donations from the faithful to temporarily relieve the urgent need.
In 1916, a secondary school was added.
In 1918, the number of students doubled, temporary sunflower sheds were built as classrooms, and donations were launched to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the school. "Wang Guangchang Dorm" and "Chen Guangqing Memorial Dining Hall" were built successively. At the same time, the sister school "Peikun Girls' School" was also established.
In 1922, "Pei Kun Girls' School" was renamed "Peizheng Girls' School". Take over the Peidao Mongolian School and change it to "Peizheng National School".
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Oman Groomer - The Mini Vandals
00:00 Intro
00:03 龟岗/东山肉菜市场
03:56 新河浦路//小观园酒家/木棉花
06:57 传统风貌建筑/培正路/大韩民国临时政府旧址
12:00 培正二横路
16:44 培正小学/培正中学/第七中学
19:19 Ending
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