Tort de mere si mac si crema de alune si fistic (puteti folosi nuci in loc de alune)
il macinam grisul pana ajunge la granulatia dorita
macinam 300 gr de mac
400 ml lapte fierbinte, in care punem macul macinat
450 gr mere rase
150 gr gris integral
adaugam 1.5 lingurita praf de copt in gris
75-100 gr stafide, doua culori, brune si albe
eu am folosit si merisoare
separam 5 oua
5 galbenusuri
300 gr zahar
adaugam 20 gr de zahar vanilat
175 gr unt la temperatura camerei
amestecam untul cu jumatate din cantitatea zaharului (150 gr) si a zaharului vanilat
adaugam si galbenusele pe rand pana se incorporeaza
dupa cum se vede, macul a absorbit tot laptele
adaugam macul in unt (macul trebuie sa fie rece!)
adaugam stafidele si merisoarele
adaugam grisul integral
adaugam merele rase
dupa ce le amestecam le lasam 10 minute pentru ca grisul sa absoarba umezeala si sa se umfle
in timpul asta, batem cele 5 albusuri
in albusul batut si intarit, adaugam cealalta jumatate din cantitatea de zahar si zahar vanilat (150 gr)
se adauga albusurile batute spuma in untul cu mere, mac si gris
punem tortul de mere, mac și gris la cuptorul preîncălzit la 350 de grade pentru 10 minute
coacem prajitura la temperatura de 170-175 grade pe raftul din mijloc pana trece testul cu scobitoarea,
cand scobitoarea introdusa in tort iese curata
100 gr alune + 100 gr fistic
le macinam marunt
pana ajungem la aceasta granulatie
adaugam alunele macinate in 250 lapte fierbinte
lasam 10 minute sa absoarba laptele si sa se raceasca
alunele si fisticul a absorbit tot laptele fierbinte si s-a racit!
adaugam 200 gr de unt la temperatura camerei peste alune si fistic si le omogenizam
adaugam 100 gr zahar pudra
este bine ca sa punem crema in frigider sa se intareasca
impartim tortul in jumatate
intindem jumatate din crema
intindem a 2a jumatate de crema pe cea de a 2a jumatate de tort
50 gr merisoare deshidratate
100 gr fistic
100 gr tableta de ciocolata neagra
macinam ciocolata, fisticul si merisoarele
aceasta este granulatia dorita
Apple and poppy seed cake and hazelnut and pistachio cream (you can use walnuts instead of hazelnuts)
we grind the semolina until it reaches the desired granulation
grind 300 gr of poppy seeds
400 ml of hot milk, in which we put the ground poppy seeds
450 gr grated apples
150 gr whole semolina
add 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder to the semolina
75-100 gr raisins, two colors, brown and white
I also used cranberries
separate 5 eggs
5 egg yolks
300 grams of sugar
add 20 g of vanilla sugar
175 gr butter at room temperature
mix the butter with half the amount of sugar (150 gr) and vanilla sugar
add the egg yolks one by one until incorporated
as you can see, the poppy has absorbed all the milk
add the poppy seeds to the butter (the poppy seeds must be cold!)
add raisins and cranberries
add the semolina
add the grated apples
after mixing them, leave them for 10 minutes so that the semolina absorbs the moisture and swells
during this time, beat the 5 egg whites
in the beaten and hardened egg white, add the other half of the amount of sugar and vanilla sugar (150 gr)
add the beaten egg whites to the butter with apples, poppy seeds and semolina
put the apple, poppy and semolina cake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes
bake the cake at a temperature of 170-175 degrees on the middle shelf until it passes the toothpick test,
when the toothpick inserted in the cake comes out clean
100 gr hazelnuts + 100 gr pistachios
we grind them finely
until we reach this granulation
add the ground hazelnuts to 250 ml of hot milk
let it absorb the milk for 10 minutes and cool down
the hazelnuts and pistachios absorbed all the hot milk and cooled down!
add 200 gr of butter at room temperature over the hazelnuts and pistachios and homogenize them
add 100 g of powdered sugar
it is good to put the cream in the fridge to harden
we divide the cake in half
spread half of the cream
spread the 2nd half of the cream on the 2nd half of the cake
50 g of dehydrated cranberries
100 grams of pistachios
100 gr dark chocolate tablet
grind chocolate, pistachios and cranberries
this is the desired granulation
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