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Positional Tactics - Improve your Position with Calculation!
Super GM Sam Shankland (member of the gold medal winning USA team at the 2016 Olympiad) thinks that there is one important skill that every good GM has but gets very little attention in the published books or DVDs around: Positional Tactics.
Positional Tactics are the tactics every master use to achieve positional goals. As Shankland explains, to find these tactics you only have consider one question: If we have a strategic or tactical aim but our opponent seems to be preventing it, what happens if we play it anyway?
In his full-length video course The Shankland Method, Sam goes through 55 exemplary games to embed this powerful question in your mind, making you gain lots of rating points.
In this FREE PREVIEW we are presenting you, the Super GM introduces his ideas and shows the fundamental process to think over the board with two simple (but not so simple!) examples.Positional Tactics
The first example, taken from the World Championship Match between Anand and Topalov, can be seen on the right.
In this position, Topalov (with the White pieces) start thinking about how to improve the position of the Nc3, which is misplaced. It's obvious that the ideal square would be d6, but how to get to it?!
Both b5 and e4 are controlled, and also (but not less important) the Be3 is attacked!
But a trained eye (like the one you will get if you study all this course!) can see that the Rc8 undefended and this allows a simple but very strong tactical sequence. With 23.Ne4! Rxc1 24.Nd6+ Kd7 25.Bxc1 White achieve his goal and get an impressive advantage in the endgame, that allowed him to win an important game.
If you want to improve your thinking process to find and execute the best (and useful) tactics, you should seriously consider to get The Shankland Method clicking here. A real short cut to mastery!
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