The Tinker Tank. A very much sought after, odd shaped, big, seemingly heavy and fun looking knife.
Watch the whole video to earn more about the Tinker knives, the Tank, its paradoxes, beauty and performance. SPOILER alert: this 180mm bastard son of a Bunka and Chuka Bocho's one night stand is a really fun and surprisingly practical knife!
Forged by Takumi Ikeda and sharpened by Takayuki Shibata. Now that's a dream team for birthing a genetic lottery winner!
Look, to be honest I only bought it because it became available to me and I know it's hard to find one in stock. They're are so hyped up! So I just wanted to know what the fuzz is all about, then sell it again and go on with my insignificant life.
BUT, after using it once...I already know, this Tinker Tank is going nowhere. It stays in my collection and we'll become great friends.
One knife to RULE them all!
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