Hi Arowana Lovers,
I hope you all are doing well!!!
I welcome you all to my channel Blue Aquatics.
Guys nowadays most of the Fish Lovers want to keep Exotic fishes in their aquarium and Arowana Fish is considered an exotic addition for your aquarium.
Arowana Fish looks very special when swimming in the Aquarium. It loves to swim close to the surface of the water. They are also considered as the great jumpers, so while keeping an Arowana fish the top of the tank should be properly covered.
So let's move onto our main topic that why does the Arowana Fish get so scared and how we can recover our Arowana Fish?
When Arowana gets scared it starts swimming rapidly out of control and while doing this it can bang on the aquarium glass or other decorations added in the aquarium and because of this activity Arowana fish can injure itself.
So let's start with the major possibilities due to which Arowana is getting scared and how we can overcome these:
1. When you purchase an Arowana Fish for your Aquarium and set up it into the Aquarium then there are a high number of chances that your Arowana will be scared. So to overcome this issue whenever you set up Arowana fish in your aquarium don't turn on the aquarium lights for some days. Maintain the proper water temperature and don't tap unnecessarily on the Aquarium Glass.
2. Don't move your Arowana fish from one tank to another tank. I had seen many Arowana keepers moving their Arowana fish from 1 tank to another. By moving Arowana Fish from 1 tank to another its tank mates get changed and also water parameters get changed so this can cause Arowana Fish into the stress and can get scared. So guys never do this with your Arowana Fish.
3. Not using proper objects for doing a water change. I had seen many Arowana owners using a Bathroom mug for changing the Aquarium water and while removing the water using mug their Arowana Fish is swimming madly into the tank and hitting itself either on decorations or on Aquarium glass. Guys never use these types of objects while doing a water change. Just use a Siphon for changing the water and clean the bottom as well using Siphon. In this way, Arowana Fish will not get scared.
Guys, if your Arowana is still getting scared then just keep your tank Darker for some initial days with dimmer light. As the Fish is big so it’s not easy to add a hiding space for it. Thus the only option available is to darken the tank by covering it with newspaper or clothes.
Also, decrease the water level of the tank to half. More the water level more panic behavior for a new Arowana Fish.
Also, if possible spend some time with your Arowana Fish. While feeding sits there for some time so that you’re Arowana Fish should be able to recognize its owner.
So summing up, Your Arowana Fish is very special. If you are a beginner and thinking to purchase an Arowana Fish then go for at least a minimum of 8-inch size. This size is often considered as the best size and can survive easily for a long time.
After setting up a new Arowana Fish into the Aquarium, give your fish some days to get settled and never expect that it will become friendly with you from the very first day.
Friends, I hope you like this informative video. For watching more such interesting videos on Arowana Fish do subscribe to my channel and ring the bell icon so you never miss any important update.
Blue Aquatics
#WhyIsMyArowanaSoScared, #NewArowanaIsScared
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