David Stone (Sam Worthington), a renowned but down-on-his-luck writer, desperately needs a break. His luck changes when he receives a surprise call from Meyer Lansky (Academy Award®-nominee Harvey Keitel), the Jewish Godfather of organized crime. The retired gangster spins a dizzying tale, revealing the untold truth about his life as the notorious boss of Murder Inc. and the National Crime Syndicate. For decades, authorities have been trying to locate Lansky’s alleged fortune, hundreds of millions gone. This is their last chance to capture the aging gangster before he dies; but Lansky, as always, is one step ahead of the FBI, sending them on a wild chase, evading and outsmarting them at every turn.
Starring: Harvey Keitel, Sam Worthington, Annasophia Robb, Minka Kelly, John Magaro, Jackie Cruz
Directed by: Eytan Rockaway
Release Date: 6/25/21
Lansky | Official Trailer (HD) | Vertical Entertainment
Vertical Entertainmentnew movie trailerHarvey Keitel LanskySam Worthington LanskyAnnasophia Robb LanskyMinka Kelly LanskyJohn Magaro LanskyJackie Cruz LanskyEytan Rockaway LanskyEytan RockawayHarvey KeitelSam WorthingtonAnnasophia RobbMinka KellyJohn MagaroJackie CruzLansky official trailerLansky harvey keitelLanksy 2021Lansky movie trailercrime moviecrime movies 2021crime biopictrue crime movieHarvey keitel crime movie