Digvijaya Singh's latest remark on RSS Chief Guru Golwalkar has created an uproar. An FIR has been filed against Congress leader Digvijaya Singh in Indore's Tukoganj Police Station for allegedly making a remark about former RSS chief Guru Golwalkar. An official claimed on Sunday that Digvijaya Singh was charged under sections 153A, 469, 500, and 505 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). On Saturday, former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Digvijaya Singh tweeted a poster with the text, "Do know what Guru Golwalkar ji's thoughts were for the Dalits, backwards, and Muslims, and on the right to national water, forest, and land." Golwalkar was reported in the tweet as saying that he would prefer live under British rule than have equal rights granted to Dalits, backwards, and Muslims. We are joined by panelists to discuss the issue at length. Watch the video to know what they have to say on the issue.
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