ONWARD, an animated film directed by Dan Scanlon, draws inspiration from the director's own life. Having lost his father at a young age, Scanlon wanted to explore the question that often weighed on his mind: "Who was my father?" Set in a world without humans, the film features a diverse array of creatures and mystical beings. The story revolves around two teenage elf brothers whose father passed away when they were very young, leaving them with little memory of him. However, when they stumble upon a bit of remaining magic in the world, they set out on a journey to spend one last day with their beloved father. As Scanlon puts it, the film explores the theme of loss and the power of magic to bring loved ones back, even if just for a brief moment. #shorts #onward #didyouknow #moviefacts #moviedetails
Did You Know This in ONWARD? #shorts
Did you knowmovie newsnewsmovie updatesmovie recapmovie factsanimation newsONWARD Trailer 2020ONWARD Official TrailerONWARD animationanimationDisneyONWARD pixarONWARD movie factsONWARD theoryONWARD easter eggsONWARD hidden secretsMovie detailspixar easter eggsDid You Know in ONWARDDid you know movie factsONWARD 2020things you missedONWARD movie detailshidden secretsONWARDbarley lightfootIan lightfootThe Manticore