"Black Butler" is a manga series by Yana Toboso that follows the story of Ciel Phantomhive, the young head of the powerful Phantomhive family in Victorian England. After a mysterious fire kills his parents and leaves him with a traumatizing injury, Ciel enters into a Faustian contract with a demon named Sebastian Michaelis, who agrees to serve as Ciel's butler and help him seek revenge against those who have wronged him in exchange for Ciel's soul. As Ciel and Sebastian navigate the treacherous world of high society and secret organizations, they encounter a variety of colorful characters, including rival demons, supernatural creatures, and even the queen of England herself. Through its blend of dark humor, action, and Gothic aesthetic, "Black Butler" offers a unique and engaging take on Victorian-era England and the supernatural. The series has become a beloved classic of manga and anime, with a dedicated fanbase around the world.
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