After finishing all Majima's substories, he gets a bizarre message in his pager that he is unable to decipher, but eventually he concludes that the message is talking about a bull ring of some sorts. And so he takes a cab to the nearest bull ring only to find one mysterious man. The man challenges Goro Majima to a fight as a member of the Amon Clan, a clan with fighters who master ultimate techniques and are second to none.
Done at level 1 without all abilities maxed.
Yakuza 0 - Secret Boss: Jo Amon (LEGEND)
devilleon7yakuzaryu ga gotokuyakuza 0yakuza zeroyakuza 0 gameplayyakuza zero gameplayyakuza 0 amonyakuza zero amonyakuza 0 secret bossyakuza zero secret bossyakuza 0 jo amonyakuza 0 hidden bossyakuza zero jo amonyakuza zero hidden bossyakuza 0 majima amonyakuza 0 majima's amonyakuza 0 devilleon7devilleon7 yakuza 0