"Title: Electronic Performance Monitoring at The Workplace: A Survey to Diagnose Engineer’s Awareness
Authors: Calvetti, Diego;
Chichorro Gonçalves, Miguel;
Mêda, Pedro;
Sousa, Hipólito
Affiliation: CONSTRUCT/Gequaltec, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Construction 5.0, Human resources, Innovation, Technology awareness
Session: Education, Policy, and Standardisation
Paper Link: 10.35490/EC3.2024.218
Abstract: The electronic performance monitoring (EPM) of human resources using new technologies increases current control methods while introducing ethics and moral concerns. In chasing EPM deployments, a survey was conducted to diagnose the perception of workers and students. The engineers were elected as core participants in EPM due to their knowledge of both the technology and the field of application. Surprisingly, 69% of the 261 respondents were unaware of the topic. Results indicate a 56% acceptance level (95% confidence level and 6.3% error). The research points out the most accepted and rejected aspects of EPM, illustrating scenarios and alternatives for implementation."
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