Someone sees your character walking down the street. What’s their first impression of your character, just based on their appearance?
Conversely, How does your character want to be seen by others?
What do they WANT people to think?
Your character catches the person looking- how do they respond?
Do they greet the stranger? Avoid eye contact? Stare back at them angrily? Ignore them completely?
How do they react to being perceived in general?
If your character is meeting someone new for the first time, how do they introduce themself? Do they just offer their name, or do they go into more detail?
Do they go for a handshake, or just a nod in that person’s direction? Maybe a hug?
How good are they at remembering names?
Will they remember that person later?
And how do they feel about meeting new people?
Let's Discuss Your OC's FIRST IMPRESSIONS!
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