My brother and I talk about Heroin Withdrawal and how cold turkey feels.
It's probably the worst pain we've both have ever felt before, and anyone who is going through heroin withdrawal cold turkey is in for a very hard time.
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I truly appreciate everyone who has supported my mission. I love you all thank you!
I have found that everyone suffers with addiction in different ways, we just suffer from a drug one. I journeyed my detox/ withdrawal off heroin from day 5 all the way to the present. I have journaled many experiences and have shown many of my stories on my channel. During this process I have learned much and continue to learn. I have found that we addicts need new people, places and things for sure!
People Overdosing and dying from addiction is real! I detoxed off heroin and know what its like to be stuck and not be able to stop using drugs. Intervention is sometimes necessary because I know the mind of an addict first hand. The way these drugs feel consumes the addict and they cannot think of stopping and follow through without proper help from others.
Addiction can be overcome. Cocaine, alcohol, benzos, adderal, ecstacy, opioids, heroin, steroids & mushrooms are just some of the drugs that I have tried. I wasn't addicted to all of those listed but I have experimented with these. The war on drugs is stupid and the stigma on drug addicts needs to change in order to help the drug addiction issues within America.
#Drugaddiction #heroinwithdrawal #Whatheroinfeelslike #odaat
Heroin Withdrawal: What going cold turkey feels like?
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