Coffee is produced in southern Laos and exported all over the world, which has considerably changed the lives of the farmers in the region. Coffee farmers have different ways of making a living from coffee depending on various factors.
This episode looks at Tui Sampasay and Boulykham who are part of a cooperative. Being part of the cooperative has advantages but it also comes with requirements and some complications.
The series will show how different categories of farmers make a living from coffee in Laos today. Watch the other episodes to learn more about the different ways of making a living from coffee.
The series was filmed as a part of the “Feminization, agricultural transition and rural employment” research project in which a team of researchers from the University of Bern and the National University of Laos has investigated the changing livelihoods of coffee farmers in Laos over the past 5 years.
Watch the whole series at:
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Making a living from coffee: Being part of a cooperative
making a livingLaosacademicresearchuniversity of bernlivelihoodcoffeecoffee productioncoffee production documentarycoffee exportSwitzerlanddevelopmentenvironmentenvironment studiesReto SteffenStéphanie Jaquetdocumentarygendergender studiesr4dr4d research projectfilmasian coffeeagricultureexportgrowingfarmfarmerAsiacafecooperativecooperationbeing part of a cooperativecentre for development and environmentCDEunibern