SETÚBAL PORTUGAL 🇵🇹 | Places to visit | Forte de São Filipe | Castle Filipe 🏰
Today we will explore SÃO FILIPE FORT a fort that was build by king Filipe in 16th century a National Monument in setubal, Portugal.
This majestic Fort has a church, mesmerising views of ocean and now opened a bar to serve you drinks while you enjoy the sea view. The fort is situated right on top of Luisa Todi a town in setubal and the location is so high that you can easily guard the whole sea which was the ultimate purpose of this great architecture
Portugal is full of breathtaking artefacts views and full of sunshine as it is on the southern side of the Europe
There are many castles and fortresses Built in history some where build for royal highness show offs and some where built for guarding
The fort Filipe was mainly built for guarding the sea from pirates and keep a watch as it was fully equipped with long range canons
But these days of modern age the castle is open for tourism and has restaurants and bars made on the roof top of the fort
People can come to cool off some steam have a drink and enjoy the castle’s architectural designs as well as the sea view
Before we start to explore the history of this great ancient monument kindly subscribe my channel and press the bell icon so you never miss a breathtaking video. The fort was Built by order of Philip I (1527-1598), according to the design of the architects Filipe Terzi and, after his death (1598?), Francisco Turriano. From the hill overlooking the sea where it was built, this superb military structure completely dominates the entrance to the Sado and, at the same time, subjugates the city itself, once within reach of its cannons. It can already be seen that the fortress of São Filipe fulfilled a double defensive function: while it remained alert to the dangers that the waters brought, it watched attentively the movements of the town!
From the sea came traditional North African and French piracy attacks. Added to this were attacks from the English and Dutch, who at the end of the 16th century were at war with Spain. On the other hand, if the Spanish occupier had the support of the Portuguese elites for sure, he must have feared the popular classes, who were adverse to him.
The massive, imposing, unfriendly and threatening bastions, the austere entrances and the dens contribute decisively to reinforcing this vocation of the Philippine fortress.
Construction work on São Filipe began in 1582, with the presence of the king himself.
The plan of the fortress depicts a six-pointed star, a sinuous outline that is not unrelated to the rugged terrain on which it lays deep foundations.
In the fortress there is also a small Joanine chapel, rectangular in shape. The interior walls and the vault are completely covered with rich tiles, some of which narrate the life of Saint Philip. In the vault, you can admire, in an intense baroque composition, the royal shield. In the main chapel, very discreet, with a gilded altar, small panels with a Marian theme stand out, dating from 1736 and signed by the master Policarpo de Oliveira Bernardes.
This was all for today folks !
I hope you have loved this travel Vlog Thanks for watching FORTE DE SÃO FILIPE
Monumento Nacional
Construída por ordem de Filipe I (1527-1598), segundo traçado dos arquitetos Filipe Terzi e, após a morte deste (1598?), Francisco Turriano. Do cerro sobranceiro ao mar onde foi erguida, esta soberba estrutura militar domina por completo a entrada do Sado e, em simultâneo, subjuga a própria cidade, outrora ao alcance dos seus canhões. Já se vê que a fortaleza de São Filipe cumpria uma dupla função defensiva: enquanto se mantinha alerta para os perigos que as águas traziam, vigiava, atenta, os movimentos do burgo!
Do mar vinham os já tradicionais ataques da pirataria norte-africana e francesa. A esta juntavam-se, então, os ataques de ingleses e de holandeses, que em finais do século XVI estavam em guerra com Espanha. Por outro lado, o ocupante espanhol, se tinha como seguro o apoio das elites portuguesas, devia recear as classes populares, que lhe eram adversas.
Os maciços, imponentes, inamistosos e ameaçadores baluartes, as entradas austeras e as guaridas contribuem, decisivamente, para reforçar essa vocação da fortaleza filipina.
Os trabalhos de construção de São Filipe tiveram início em 1582, com a presença do próprio rei.
A planta da fortaleza desenha uma estrela de seis pontas, traçado sinuoso a que não é alheio o acidentado do terreno onde lança profundos alicerces.
Na fortaleza há, ainda, a destacar uma pequena capela joanina, de planta retangular. As paredes interiores e a abóbada estão completamente forradas de ricos azulejos, parte dos quais narram a vida de São Filipe. Na abóbada admira-se, em intensa composição barroca, o escudo real. Na capela-mor, muito discreta, com altar em talha dourada,
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