The Nanny is an American sitcom television series which originally aired on CBS from November 3, jbknjk 1993 to June 23, 1999, starring Fran Drescher as Fran Fine, a Jewish fashion queen from Flushing New York, who becomes the nanny of three children from the New York/British high society.The show was created and produced by Drescher and her husband Peter Marc Jacobson, taking much of its inspiration from Drescher's personal life growing up in Queens, involving names and characteristics based on her relatives and friends. The show earned a Rose d'Or and one Emmy Award, out of a total of twelve nominations,[3] and Drescher was twice nominated for a Golden Globe and an Emmy. The sitcom also spawned several foreign adaptations, loosely inspired by the original scripts.Jewish-American Fran Fine turns up on the doorstep of British Broadway producer Maxwell Sheffield (Charles Shaughnessy) to sell cosmetics after having been both dumped and fired by her boyfriend and employer Danny . Instead, she finds herself the nanny of Maxwell's three children: Maggie, Brighton, and Grace. Maxwell Sheffield is reluctantly unhappy about it at first, but Fran turns out to be just what he and his family
While Fran Fine manages the children, butler Niles (Daniel Davis) manages the household and watches all the events that unfold with Fran as the new nanny. Niles, recognizing Fran's gift for bringing warmth back to the family, does best to undermine Maxwell's business partner C.C Babcock (Lauren Lane) who has her eyes on the very available Sheffield. Niles is often seen making it at it. As the series progresses, it becomes increasingly obvious that Maxwell is smitten with Fran even though he won't admit it, and Fran is smitten with him. The show teases the viewers with their closeness and "near misses" as well as with an engagement. Towards the later seasons, they finally marry and expand their family by having fraternal twins. By the end of the series, it's also clear that Niles and C.C.'s constant sharp barbs are their bizarre form of flirtation; after a few false starts (including multiple impulsive and failed proposals from Niles), the pair marry in the series finale. Francine Joy "Fran" Sheffield (née Fine) is the nasal-voiced, outgoing protagonist of the series who stumbles upon the doorstep and winds up as the nanny to Sheffield's three children: Maggie, Brighton, and Grace. She starts off working for her boyfriend in a bridal shop but is dumped and fired not long after. She ends up meeting Maxwell Sheffield and his family while going door to door to sell cosmetics. Her character has an outgoing and humorous personality. Fran, as a result of her mother's overbearing personality, often feels the need to date and is compelled to get married as well. She is usually seen getting into trouble and having to solve those problems through using her Maxwell "Max" Beverly Sheffield is the male protagonist who ends up hiring Fran Fine to watch over his three children, Maggie, Brighton, and Grace. He is a widowed Broadway producer, having lost his wife Sara four years before the start of the series. While he does have some success as a Broadway producer, he remains constantly in the shadow of his rival Andrew Lloyd Webber, who always seems to have the upper hand. He does not spend a lot of time with his children due to his busy schedule, hence he ends up hiring Fran Fine as the children's nanny. Despite his mutual attraction to Fran, he tries to keep their relationship professional for fear of commitment.
Margaret "Maggie" Brolin (née Sheffield) is the eldest child of Maxwell Sheffield. She is constantly seen bickering with her brother, Brighton, who views her as a nerd. While she is constantly fighting with Brighton, her relationship with her sister, Grace, is more one of mentorship. Towards the beginning of the series, Maggie is shy and awkward but, with Fran's influence, she becomes a somewhat popular young woman. Upon meeting Fran Fine, the two bond almost instantly.
Brighton Milhouse Sheffield is the middle child of the family and the only son of Maxwell Sheffield. Due to being the only son, he often feels left out. This causes him to purposely bring about trouble for his two sisters. He doesn't bond with Fran Fine at first, having disliked all his previous nannies, but eventually becomes close with her as well. He plans to become a Broadway producer, like his father.
Grace "Gracie" Sheffield is the youngest child in the Sheffield family. She has a habit of naming medical conditions and complicated words. When Fran first became her nanny, Grace was in therapy. But, under Fran Fine's influence and guidance, she eventually doesn't need therapy any more. As two became close to one another Grace started picking up some of Fran
The Nanny Fran and Maggie argue over what to do
The NannyFranFran The NannyThe Nanny FranFran DrescherFran QueensFran Drescher The NannyMaxwellThe nannythe grandma from the nannythe nanny the kissthe nanny takes it backFran i love youFran and MaxwellFran in ParisParisThe nanny paris flightflight in paris nannykissthey finally kissthe kissFran and MaxFran and NilesNilesNiles burnNiles and C.CFran and Max jealousMax jealousmaxwell jealousGraceNiles the butlerzinger