Common breeding signs to look for in Oscars include lip locking between mates, frequent chasing of each other through the aquatic environment, shivering or shaking that is usually accompanied by tail lashing, and even nipping and biting that can result in the violent removal of strips of flesh.
Spawning is imminent when the female's ovipositor descends. ... Spawning takes about three hours, resulting in a 6-inch or larger patch of evenly spaced rows of eggs. Small fish may produce 300 to 500 eggs on their first spawning. Larger female oscars (10 to 14 inches) may produce 2,500 to 3,000
Oscars are a monogamous species that are sexually mature around 14 months of age. Being sexually monomorphic, it is easy to distinguish between male and female when the breeding tubes appear before spawning occurs. The tubes of females are short and wide with a flat tip as opposed to the long, thin, curved, and pointed tip of a male tube. Spawning will take place within 48 hours of the tube appearance from both partners. Males will lock jaws when in a dispute over female selection or territory.
When both partners are ready to spawn, their colors intensify and they begin movements of side-to-side vibration/shaking along with flared gills and spreading out of fins. Before the eggs have been laid, both male and female work to clean the site, usually the flat surface of a rock, by rubbing against it and scrubbing off any debris. The process of cleaning can take days or even weeks.
The female lays her first eggs by passing over the rock multiple times followed by the passing by the male over the eggs. This process lasts about 3 hours, resulting in organized rows of eggs in about a 15.4cm section.
When oscars reach sexual/gonadal maturity, they are about 14 months old and 15.24-25.4cm long. Within a year, there are 3-4 reproductive cycles that produce about 300-3,000 eggs per cycle. The amount of eggs is dependent on the size of the female. Smaller females lay 300-500 eggs, while larger female oscars lay about 2,500-3,000 eggs. Species that are partitioned spawners, including Astronotus ocellatus, produce small amounts of semen and have a smaller number of mature males in relation to mature females within the same time period. An individual oscar has active reproduction for about 9-10 years.
The site where the eggs will be laid is cleaned by both the male and female. Spawning is dependent on temperature and occurs in warmer months when the temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius. The eggs are fragile, light colored, oval, demersal, and adhesive. They have a large yolk and have a small perivitelline space. The characteristics of oscar eggs are found in most non-migratory species. Oscars care for their young from the time of spawning until the young are almost a year old and some mating partners will continue to reproduce with each other.
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