Deepti Bhatnagar visits Pushkar, a town in the Ajmer district in Rajasthan. She narrates the history of the place and tells the viewers about how the place got its name. She narrates about the importance of the lake and tells that Pushkar is one of the oldest cities of India. It lies on the Shore of Pushkar Lake. The date of its actual origin is not known, but legend associates Lord Brahma with its creation. It is mentioned that Brahma performed penance here for 60,000 years to have a glimpse of Vishnu. Deepti takes a dip in the lake and enlightens the viewers about the importance of the lake waters. Deepti takes the viewers on a tour of the Brahma Temple built during the 14th century, the Chamunda Temple, and Devi Savitri's Temple
YATRA - Pushkar
yatraDeepti Bhatnagar (Film Actor)twdbmandirpoojaprayertempleholy placesMeditationYogaEpisode PartIndiaPushkar (City/Town/Village)chamunda templebrahmatravel & beyondAjmer districtRajasthanreligiousspiritualvedapuritybrahma and vishnuram14th centuryChamunda TempleDevi Savitri's Templepeaceexplorelearn