Aryan Khan, the son of Bollywood legend Shah Rukh Khan, brought in the New Year 2025 in Mumbai alongside his stunning girlfriend Larissa Bonesi. The couple was spotted at an exclusive celebration in the city, enjoying the festivities with a close-knit group of friends and loved ones.
In this video, watch Aryan and Larissa step out in style, radiating elegance and charm as they ring in the new year together. From their arrival at the party to their moments of laughter and celebration, the couple looked happier than ever. As the son of one of the most famous stars in Bollywood, Aryan continues to capture the attention of fans with his down-to-earth persona and his close bond with Larissa.
Watch the full video for a peek into Aryan Khan and Larissa Bonesi’s New Year celebration in Mumbai, and get a glimpse of their chemistry that’s making waves in the media!
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