Complete Stealth Bomber ebike build from scratch to test ride! A lot of this video is wiring, which, if you're building an ebike is what you're going to spend most of your time doing. I show how to set up a wiring panel that includes a bunch of components like the contactor, fuse box, ignition relay, and others that are often skipped on an ebike, mostly due to lack of space. I also show how to wire your switches and accessories in a way that's easy to service and assemble. Once the bike is assembled, I take it on the road and test all the different riding modes, acceleration, top speed, and regen braking.
This is a pretty long video so be sure to use the chapter to jump through the different sections!
Need help with your build? Schedule a consult.
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Battery Build Video
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3D printed standoffs
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Other 3D printed parts
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Stealth Bomber frame
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QS205 V3 Motor
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Heatsinks used on hub motor
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Sabvoton SV72200 Motor Controller
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DNM Front Fork
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Rear Shock (I got the 200mm but 190mm might be better)
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CT-22 LCD Display
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Headlight (I used two of these in parallel)
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Thumb Throttle (for variable regen braking)
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Handlebars (get the longest ones)
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Bicycle Seat
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Contactor (this is just a link to the specific one I used - you can probably find it cheaper. I got mine on but they are now out of stock on these)
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DC-DC converter
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72V Relay
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Fuse Block
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Blade Fuse Holder
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Terminal Block (used for ground bus bar)
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Switch I used for lights
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Switch I used for contactor
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USB Port
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0:14 - Wiring panel intro
3:19 - Testing the wiring panel
6:19 - Placing components into the frame
7:24 - Explanation of high-voltage wiring and connectors
10:54 - Testing components and accessories
12:23 - Controller wiring harness explanation
16:04 - Phase wire harness and pass-throughs to controller
17:24 - Battery compartment stand-offs and padding
20:46 - Placing the battery pack into the frame
24:09 - Assembling the bicycle components
25:23 - Explanation of all connectors in assembled frame
29:55 - Another test of all accessories in the assembled frame
31:51 - Cleaning up the wires inside the frame
(I did not film mounting of the wheels or placing the battery pack in the assembled frame, sorrraay)
33:16 - Testing the hub motor
35:34 - One final test of everything on the assembled bike
36:00 - DONE!
36:18 - Test ride 🏍
35:46 - Eco mode 🍃
37:11 - Normal mode
37:49 - Variable regen braking
39:00 - Sport mode 🏋️
40:26 - Acceleration test 🏍🔥🔥🔥
41:27 - Top speed test 🏎
43:32 - Thanks for watching! 👍