This is your chance to hear the tufted duck call/sounds. The male tufted duck emits a short, high-pitched whistle that is not very audible.
The tufted duck, [aythya fuligula] is a unique duck that often appears in winter and spring and disappears in summer, of course in the Netherlands. They eat molluscs, aquatic insects, and some plants, and are not as trusting of humans as common ducks.
I hope you enjoy this video of Amsterdam Wildlife.
#tufted duck
#Kuifeend geluid
# kuifeend geluiden
Real sounds of tufted ducks, #kuifeend #tufted
Real sounds of tufted duckssounds of tufted ducktufted ducksdiving ducktufted duckaythya fuligulakuifeend geluidtufted duck callthe tufted duck callduck callThe male tufted duckmale tufted duckkuifeendAmsterdam Wildlifekuifeend geluidenkuifeendentufted duckbird soundsbird watchingsmall ducksdiving ducks crochetduck soundsdiving duck blues taj mahal