[English below] Po dveh virtualnih izvedbah smo se v Mladi akademiji vrnili k organizaciji prireditve Odprta znanost v živo oziroma v hibridni obliki. Tudi letos, že peto leto zapored, v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za izobraževanje, znanost in šport (MIZŠ) v okviru Meseca znanosti.
Prireditev je potekala v četrtek, 27. oktobra 2022, od 13. do 18. ure v Veliki dvorani MIZŠ pod geslom “z večjo odprtostjo do boljših raziskav”. Za temo smo namreč izbrali vprašanje, kako je odprta znanost povezana s kakovostjo raziskav oziroma raziskovalnega dela in njenim vrednotenjem.
After two online events, the Young Academy of Slovenia has returned to the organization of the Open Science event in a live (hybrid) format. For the fifth year in a row, we have also cooperated with the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports (MIZŠ) as part of the National Science Month.
The event took place on Thursday, October 27, 2022, from 13:00 to 18:00 in the Great Hall of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports under the motto “With Greater Openness to Better Research”. We have chosen the topic of how open science is related to the quality of research work and its evaluation.
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