This is a short documentary about Babba Adesose Wallace. Adesose Wallace is a Nigerian musician, who has been living in England since 1978 and who is considered to be an influential role model for the Londoner underground music scene, especially in and around the area of East London.
This portrait was produced by Morris Marah and Ibrahim Jacobi for Kingston University London. The film came into being with the collaboration of Chintaan Shah and Riyan Durrani and many thanks to Jally Kebba Susso and Planet Man.
DocumentaryMusicAfrican Traditional MusicAdesose WallaceLondon Music SceneLondon Underground MusicIbrahim JacobiPassing CloudsKingston University LondonMorris MarahChintaan ShahRiyan DurraniCollective African RevolutionShort DucumentaryShort Documentary MusicJally Kebba SussoBabba Adesose Wallace Passing CloudsGreen NoteAfrican Music