The world’s longest river cruise is ready to sail. The luxurious triple-deck cruise, Ganga Vilas, will cost around Rs 13 lakh, with an average fare of about Rs 25,000 per person per night. It will start from Varanasi to Dibrugarh via Bangladesh on January 13. Covering a journey of 3200 km in 50 days passing through 27 river systems in India and Bangladesh. The cruise ship will give tourists a chance to visit over 50 architecturally important places. It will pass through the Sundarbans Delta and Kaziranga National Park. The opulent cruise has 18 suites with all the required amenities. The decorated suites were constructed with a distinctive style and a futuristic outlook. It can house 36 tourists.
#MVGangaVilas #GangaVilas #LongestRiverCruise #Cruise
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MV Ganga Vilas: World’s Longest River Cruise
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