Star Wars: Skeleton Crew delves into a compelling mystery surrounding the origins and fate of the planet At Attin, the homeworld of its young protagonists. This coming-of-age adventure follows characters like Jod Na Nawood (Jude Law), Fern (Ryan Kiera Armstrong), and Kh'ymm (Alia Shawkat) as they uncover a hidden past. At Attin, a mysterious treasure planet, was once part of a group of nine planets known as the Jewels of the Old Republic, which included At Aytuu, At Arissia, At Aravin, and At Acoda, along with three other unnamed "At" planets. The series explores the destruction of these planets, revealing a ruined world called At Achrann, strikingly similar to At Attin, and a location known as the Fallen Sanctum. The plot thickens as the characters discover that At Attin and the other eight planets were purposely hidden from the galaxy, raising questions about the reason for their concealment and subsequent destruction. Theories within the Star Wars universe link this mystery to the Sith and a shadowy "Great Work," adding layers of intrigue to this tale of hidden pasts and galactic destruction.
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