The American red wolf (Canis rufus) lives on through the extraordinary efforts of over 40 cooperators in a program designed to save it from extinction. Meet the most endangered canid in the world and the people working toward its recovery. Reflection Riding and Defenders of Wildlife discuss the importance of this apex predator and give some history and context to how we got here and where we hope to take the program in the future.
We encourage you to learn more and visit your local red wolf cooperator.
Thanks to the Fish & Wildlife Service for offering renewed hope to the program in 2021.
Special thanks to the Temper of the Times Foundation for kicking off this video project and to Defenders of Wildlife for taking it to completion. Thanks to Reflection Riding, Roshan Patel and Neil Jernigan ( for providing footage of the red wolves for this film.
Reflection Riding staff Mark McKnight (President/CEO), Tish Gailmard (Director of Wildlife Conservation) and Taylor Berry (Director of Avian Conservation) discuss the significance of the red wolf program to Chattanooga and examine the local history of wolf extermination in Hamilton County. Defenders staff Heather Clarkson (Southeast Program Outreach Representative) and Ben Prater (Director Southeast Program) speak to the program's political and social context. Thanks to Reflection Riding supporter Robert Sharp III who volunteered to discuss the historical importance of wolves to his Native American ancestors.
Director: Joseph Schlabs. Producers: Mark McKnight and Ben Prater.
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