Explore the heartwarming and spiritually profound story of Valli the deer, a beloved companion at Ramana Maharshi's Ashram. Witness how Valli became a cherished part of the ashram, receiving love, care, and even enlightenment in her final moments through Ramana Maharshi’s divine touch. This tale is a testament to the sacred connection between humans, animals, and the eternal quest for liberation. From playful dances to her tragic injury and eventual samadhi, Valli’s journey reflects the grace and teachings of Bhagavan.
🌿 What You'll See:
Valli’s arrival and life at the ashram.
Her playful bond with Ramana Maharshi.
The profound spiritual act performed during her final moments.
💬 Join the Conversation:
What does Valli’s story teach us about love, care, and spirituality? Share your thoughts below!
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