English subtitles for one of the most popular Kizomba songs by Rui Orlando.
Artist: Rui Orlando
Music: Prometo (I Promise)
If you want the lyrics of a song, DM your request in here or comment the song you would like.
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Rui Orlando - Prometo (Letra Pt) (English Lyrics)
Rui OrlandoRui Orlando MusicRui Orlando AmazingAmazing music groupLuandaAngolaLisboaPortoPortugalKizombaSembaRitmos de AngolaRitmos de africamusicmusicasonglyriclyricsletrafull songlyrics translatedsomletra traduzidakizomba subtitlesKizomba songskizomba musickizomba translatedKizombaTranslationsmusicvideokizomba 2018zouk 2018kizomba videoclipRuiOrlandoRui Orlando PrometoPrometo LetraRui Orlando Prometo Letra