#Mugenkof #Esports #Games
Elegant team
O rozwel G 12p
Final Kaizen 12p
Final rozwel SK 12p
Elegant orochi 8p
Mega kulou team
Kulou qs 12p
Counterfelt k 12p
Rokudo SK 12p
Kulou JC 8p
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This video is only for entertainment purpose.
KOF MUGEN !! Elegants Team VS Mega Kolou Team
KOFIoriLoriKusanagiYagevilDarkGodBloodMincraftsYoutube Trickskof mugenfinal rugalrugal teamiori teamkyo teamorochi teamkyouki mugenelement teamiori crimerugal crimeholy kulaken master teamryu teamchris teamignizmai teamyashiro teamyamazaki teamzerosuper blood teamnightcore musicson gokudargon kendonald teamgod metal orochi teamgiant boss teamsoldados nestsorochi iori teamorochi leona teammizuchi team