Leaking Diesel Tank Fix is easier than you think for small pinholes.
When I took my old diesel tank to get filled up at the local Co-op I saw something I didn't want to see- a leak had sprung in the bottom of my diesel storage tank. Luckily we were nearby a drug store and were able to buy.....bar soap. Yes, simple bar soap will fix a small leak in a fuel tank. To be clear, it is a temporary fix until you are able to drain the tank and do something more permanent like a tank sealer or cutting the rot out and welding it. Hit the subscribe button to put more stuff like this in your arsenal of farm knowledge!
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Leaking Diesel Tank Fix
Leaking Diesel Tank FixLeaking Fuel Tank FixLeaking Diesel TankLeaking Fuel TankDiesel leakfuel leakfix leakdiesel tank pinholefuel tank pinholepinhole leak fuel tankpinhole leak diesel fuelStorage tank leakfuel tankdiesel tankbar soapbar soap dieselbar soap fueldiesel storage tankfuel storage tankpinholeleakfueldieselemergency fixtransfer tankdiesel transfer tankpinhole transfer tankleak transfer tankfix transfer tank