Witness the transformation of the iconic Doc Brown, the time-traveling scientist from Back to the Future, into a stunning BrickHeadz™ figure, set to the catchy rhythm of Andrew Gold's "Spooky Scary Skeletons." Embark on a thrilling adventure as you experience the joy of building Doc Brown's signature white coat, his eccentric hair, and his unwavering determination to change the course of history, brick by brick.
LEGO® Brickheadz Doc Brown 41611
LEGOLEGO BrickHeadzDoc BrownBack to the FutureSpeed BuildASMRTimelapseStop Motion
Spooky Scary SkeletonsAndrew GoldCatchyTime TravelScienceInventionMishaps
LEGO Doc Brown Speed BuildBack to the Future FanLEGO CollectorSpeed Build ChallengeASMR BuildTimelapse ArtStop Motion Animationlego mocslego creation