The capital idea started in February during the quarantine time in China, at the beginning it just around the Asian people most of them are from China,
'Capital idea' 开始于2020年二月,正处在疫情期的中国。在一开始这项活动只在亚洲的舞者之间传播,大部分来自于中国。
we had some people from South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, and Vietnam as well, and most of them are my friends.
It doesn’t really have a big reaction here in China, because we have fewer swing dancers and community is not that big as well here in China.
end it only sustained two weeks. Because after the February the situation in China is it getting back to normal
so I decide OK maybe it‘s the time I can close this campaign, so I made a summary video in the end of February,
所以我觉得··· 行,那现在应该是时候让这项活动结束了!然后我在二月结束的时候做了一期总结视频。
We had 70 or 80 person joined us in February! You can check the video on the Swing Topia YouTube channel,
But another two weeks later, a big surprise from Italy, A lot of people start to share and posting the capital idea And France join and Spain join and a lot of other countries.
但是,同样是两周后,一个大大的惊喜来自意大利!很多人开始分享和上传他们的 Capital idea;接着法国,还有西班牙,很多其他的国家也开始加入
And a lot of ideas are really creative, some of them are really blow my mind,
I actually prepared a lot of things to say to all of you guys, but after I finish the summary video of this month, I am so touching and emotional so I become speechless,
but whatever it is, the capital idea is the idea to Encourage people who have been suffering and affected in this pandemic COVID-19 situation,
Capital idea 是一项
we use our own way to share the joy of dancing and music and the creativity as a human being to cheer up each other!
You have been isolated but you are not alone! my name is Jason here in China!
We handle the difficult time, and I believe you can handle it too!
Stay home, stay positive and do you capital idea! Jiayou
呆在家里,保持乐观,创造你自己的Capital idea! 加油!
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