There’s a quote by Jordan Peterson: ‘I act as if I believe in God to the best of my ability. I am afraid he might exist!’ I’ve drifted into this way of thinking as well, but only when I’ve allowed my faith to wither. I understand why we would fear God but I question if we can love God while fearing him. That isn’t to say lack respect of God, always respect, but if you are afraid of God, are you deliberately loving Him, or doing it out of something like coercion.
There’s a fragmentation of people. Even followers of Christ are fragmented because they don’t understand each other. That’s why I’ll say this, I’m not catholic, you know, a catholic man, but I appreciate and see the benefit of having an enduring catholic magisterium.
It’s so beautiful, if you ponder ‘how to be a man’, ‘how to be a better person’ ‘how to live well’, I think we’ll see that is what God wants for us. God loves us. If you love someone you’d want what is best for them. We’re imperfect we don’t have the wisdom of knowing what is best, but God does. God wants us to be like him— to love what he loves and hate sin as he hates sin, but I don’t see how God would have fear. So if God wants us to be like him, yet he has no fear, why would we carry fear?
I have been thinking a lot of this question: what does it mean to be a Christian? I’m not going to give a theological answer, I’m not going to try to convince any one of anything because doing so makes people recoil. Why don’t we talk anymore? No one talks to each other and we’re bad at communication so we can’t understand each other. So you and I may have the same beliefs but because words I use mean something different to you then they do to me, we won’t understand each other and that is how people become offended. It’s sad because we are the same but we’re missing each other.
But that’s okay, the good will win out. Stay strong in your hope and faith.
Okay transition, this is my brief letter to you:
Good morning,
I can’t help but see the future, not necessarily the true future, but I do envision the future in sporadic day dreams. I see excellence and beauty because I can picture what it’d look like if humanity were unified. I know that’s grandiose but it’s not a eutopia vision, it’s not like a collective unity of the whole world. But truly, a unified individual expanding outward.
As in, the way for people to find unity is under God yes, under redemption yes, but it doesn’t begin in this abstract thing called humanity, or even a country. It starts with an individual being internally unified. Joyous! A family of unified individuals. Amazing! A community of unified families. Excellent! A city of unified communities. Great! A state of unified cities. Brilliant! A country of unified states. Glorious! A world of unified countries.
You can’t control other people, and that’s actually part of the reason we’ve gotten to this place of disunity (i believe). So you can’t force someone to become unified, but what you can do is work on yourself, love yourself, grow, and you choose to unify under God. You become more unified out and THEN, and only then maybe you could help unify your family. And your family could help unify the community and so on.
But I wouldn’t worry about expanding your circle too far and helping unify the things around you. I think it will happen by example. People will see you put together and want that for themselves and that’s enough— it’s more than enough. So let’s do that, let’s focus solely or unifying ourself under God, and that will be unimaginably beneficial to the whole world.
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